"How can research make technology more equitable, impactful and aligned to social justice principles" - Natalia Kucirkova
With Natalia Kucirkova Professor of Reading and Early Childhood Development.
This week I had the honor to speak to Natalia Kucirkova; listen on all podcast platforms on Friday at 11 AM EST.
Natalia Kucirkova received her bachelor's degree from the University of Bath and her Ph.D. in education and educational technology from The Open University. Her pre-doctoral fellowship was at Harvard University.[3]
She founded and directed the International Collective of Children's Digital Books and the Children's Digital Book Award, which involve designers, researchers and teachers to support digital literacies for young children.[4] In addition to her research on children's use of e-books and apps, Kucirkova is also an expert on the personalization and use of children's personal data.[5] Her research has been supported by funding from national agencies, including the Economic Social and Research Council, the Norwegian Research Council, and the Daiwa Foundation. Kucirkova is co-editor of the journal Literacy and serves on many advisory boards for organizations devoted to children's well-being and social justice.
More on Natalia read here